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Deliver better projects
Maximize project efficiency and scale profitability with an award-winning, all-in-one solution specifically designed for Architecture, Consulting, and Engineering firms.
Chat with one of our product specialist today.

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Power your firm's future

Maximize project efficiency and scale profitability with an award-winning, all-in-one solution
specifically designed for Architecture, Consulting, and Engineering firms.

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Award-winning software that grows with your firm

Deliver projects on time & under budget.

Get full project visibility and control. Easily connect teams, budgets, and schedules for every project with BQE CORE.

  • Real-time project statuses and insights
  • Easy-to-use task and resource allocation
  • Integrated project management and accounting tools
Elevate your billing and invoicing.

Account for every billable project hour. BQE CORE's customizable billing and invoicing lets your firm bill clients the correct way.

  • Cash, accrual, and engagement-based accounting
  • Automated and batch invoicing processes
  • Multiple invoice billing options with standard contracts types, including hourly, fixed fee, cost plus, unit cost, and percentage
Focus on delivery, less on management.

Automate your firm's manual operations. Account for every second and every dollar spent more easily and quickly with BQE CORE's time and expense tracking.

  • 100% DCAA compliant time tracking
  • Easy-to-use, pause-and-play timers connected to timecards
  • Smart timecards and pre-populated timesheets

Integrations all the way.

Maximize productivity & profitability. BQE CORE software works seamlessly with just about every business software out there - our customizable APIs ensure integration with all the rest.

  • QuickBooks
  • Google
  • Dropbox
  • Xero
  • Microsoft BI & 365
  • And more

See how BQE CORE can help your firm

Click through our interactive tour below to see how BQE CORE provides back office automation to
power front office insights and make firm management more agile, informed, and data-driven.

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BQE CORE is the award-winning firm management software, created by architects for architects, that project-based firms trust to run their operations for better project outcomes, and more profitable futures. Their fully integrated suite of intuitive tools with 24/7/365 support provides back-office automation to power front-office insights, making firm management more agile, informed, and data-driven. Learn more at